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Senior Writing Circle Showcases Art and the Meaning of Life

Source: Pixabay

When a team allows the creativity of each one of its members shine through, the resulting book deserves applause. This is a brief review of The View from Kings Point: The Kings Point Writers Club Anthology, 2018

Google describes Kings Point in Palm Beach County as an amenity-rich community for active 55+- year old adults. It represents the culmination of the American dream i.e., living out one’s golden years after a lifetime of contributing to society. Perhaps through unconscious bias, the rest of society sees seniors in terms of socioeconomic and health challenges. That is not how active seniors see themselves. And the eleven (plus one deceased) writers comprising the Kings Point Creative Writers Club drive home that point in more than 40 delightful essays and 10 sketches.

Whether one is drawn in by Reva Spiro Luxenberg’s humorous reimagining of Biblical stories or salivate at London expat, David Jones’, remembrance of blackberry and apple pie with thick, creamy yellow custard, there is a story to charm even a hardened cynic. Children nagging their elderly parents to give up their driver’s licenses, will gain a different perspectives after reading how Irving Rosenberg passed his driver’s test and renewed his license at the age of 96. I loved his philosophy about the elements of knowing that you are loved i.e., security, trust, caring, closeness, pleasure, knowledge of self, and increased self-esteem. Former road manager, Bobby Laurie’s story about witnessing the 9/11 attack on the South Tower resonated with me, as a fellow New Yorker. So, did former educator, Laurie Faber’s poems e.g., “Eight bullets never shot, but never far from sight, reminders of good fortune not to fight.” Let us not forget centenarian, Anna Rockwerk’s admission of having been insecure and how she overcame those feelings.

While there are no aging Steinbecks or Hemingways awaiting discovery in the group, I can think of only one word to describe the book: Delightful.

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